How @POORMARTY animated EricDOAs Fool4Love cover


iight yall so breaking up this cover was pretty straight forward.....

its a door....

so i split the handle from the door..the door from the frame and from the floor then just patched up the holes with my bestie, the clone stamp... light work

since i wanted to animate the door opening and closing, i needed to hop in 3D space.

since in 3D, it's still a flat image, i needed to give the door some depth.

i just created a solid, turned it to a 3D layer and scaled it down so it was long and slim

(aayyee yoooo)

i put it in place then parent it to the door image so when it rotates, it all moves to gether like a real door... animate that handle, adjust everything till i like it and boom,

(no more locked doors)

since theres nothing behind the door, i decided to make it glow


because the door was 3D and everything else was flat, i had to animate the mask as the door closed .. tedius but it does the job.

then added another glow and used a stretched turbulent noise as a luma matte to make it shimmer a bit..

and to finish it up.. you know i added some handy dandy dust particles only this time, i added a feather around the edges

and thats it..

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